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  • Dinosauro-ametsak
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  • Nor naiz ni? Animalien kumeak - Asia
  • Ata Pank eta Ate Punky. BISITA

Pamiela publicó Nevadako egunak de Bernardo Atxaga en 2013. Además de en euskera, el libro se puede leer hoy en castellano, francés, esloveno e inglés. Publicado recientemente en Estados Unidos con el título de Nevada Days en la editorial Graywolf press, ha obtenido reseñas muy favorables, entre las que destaca la de Matt Gallagher en The Washington Post:

«Nevada Days serves as an inverse retelling of [Laxalt’s Sweet Promised Land], and through the precision of Atxaga’s language and the truths about Nevada and America he brings forth, it certainly meets the standard set by its predecessor. Its pages carry the smell of sagebrush and ring of slot machines, and will bring readers deep into its messy beauty.»

[…] «A number of Nevadans have cultivated a proud literature over the years, from Clark and Robert Laxalt to more recent offerings by Claire Vaye Watkins, Willy Vlautin and Caleb S. Cage. Celebrated Basque author Bernardo Atxaga now joins their ranks. His genre-blurring Nevada Days neither loves nor scorns Reno so much as mulls it over slowly, deliberately.» [artículo entero] [pdf]


Mas información:


‘The Washington Post’ aclama ‘Días de Nevada’, de Atxaga‘
Deia (26 julio 2018)


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